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Sybil, or the two nations. DISRAELI, Benjamin.

  • Sybil, or the two nations.
  • Sybil, or the two nations.
39.00 €
DISRAELI, Benjamin.
Sybil, or the two nations.
Ritiro in negozio

  • Autore:
    DISRAELI, Benjamin.
  • Titolo:
    Sybil, or the two nations.
  • Collection of British authors; 83.
  • Casa Editrice:
    B. Tauchnitz, Leipzing.
  • Anno:
  • Stato di Conservazione:
    Buono, ordinari segni d'uso e del tempo.
  • Descrizione fisica:
    438 p., 16 cm, mezza tela con titoli oro al dorso.
  • Note:
    Disraeli was interested in dealing with the horrific conditions in which the majority of England's working classes lived - or, what is generally called the Condition of England question. Christian Bernhard Tauchnitz, German publisher, paid the English authors for the works his company published, and agreed to limit their sales of English-language books to the European continent. In 1841, Tauchnitz started his English-language editions, with the series "Collection Of British Authors". Although Tauchnitz's editions were authorized, and listed as the 'Copyright Edition', they were not protected from copyright infringement and he could offer no such protection to the authors he paid.

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