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Castel Pergine. STRAUCH, Karl Ludwig.

  • Castel Pergine.
  • Castel Pergine.
1800.00 €
STRAUCH, Karl Ludwig.
Castel Pergine.
Ritiro in negozio

  • Autore:
    STRAUCH, Karl Ludwig.
  • Titolo:
    Castel Pergine.
  • Casa Editrice:
  • Anno:
  • Stato di Conservazione:
  • Descrizione fisica:
    Olio su tela di cm 40x56.
  • Note:
    The painter was born on Vienna, 11 July 1875; and dead to Klosterneuburg, nr Vienna, 24 Aug 1959. He studied painting from 1890 to 1899 at the Akademie der Bildenden Kunste in Vienna under Christian Griepenkerl (1839-1916), Rudolf Carl Huber (1839-96) and August Eisenmenger (1830-1907). He produced the triptych Faith, Hope and Charity. In 1899-1900 he travelled in Italy on a Kenyon scholarship. He volunteered to fight with the Boers in South Africa; having contracted malaria he travelled on to Zanzibar via Madagascar. After a short stay in Bombay he returned to Vienna, where he exhibited studies from his long journey at the Galerie Miethke in 1902 (e.g. portrait of the Sultan of Zanzibar Tipotip, Vienna, Mus. Vlkerknd.). Between 1905 and 1935 (except during World War I), he was a teacher of free-hand drawing at a secondary school in Klosterneuburg. In 1905-6 one of his pupils was Egon Schiele, whose talent he fostered, taking him on outdoor painting trips and introducing him to oil painting. Many of Schiele's very early works were preserved by Strauch (Vienna, Nieder?sterreich. Landesmus., on long-term loan in Tulln, Egon Schiele Mus.); several drawings show Strauch working at his easel. Landscapes and genre scenes from his immediate surroundings form the subject-matter of Strauch's paintings, as in Klosterneuburg and High Water at Klosterneuburg (1926; Vienna, Hist. Mus.). In World War I Strauch worked as a war artist after suffering a serious injury while serving in the army."<br> Firmato in basso a sinistra, si vende in cornice.

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